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BonesPro 4.50 released

Posted on: 21.12.2010  |  By: Stoyan Stoyanov  |  Category: Софтуерни новости  |  Source:

Bones Pro


BonesPro 4.50 released – skin paint and smooth tools


Following the numerous improvements and add-ons from the last releases, the 3d-io development team is proud to release a major update of BonesPro, the sophisticated skinning tool for Autodesk 3dsMax. BonesPro version 4.5 adds the production-proven fast and easy skin painting similar to ZBrush: artists can now paint weight adjustments in real-time and even smooth them out with the brush to achieve exact and elastic skin look & feel, just like using ZBrush / Mudbox.

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LightUp for SketchUp

Posted on: 04.11.2010  |  By: Stoyan Stoyanov  |  Category: Софтуерни новости  |  Source:

3dbg LightUp for SketchUp


LightUp for SketchUp is a SketchUp plugin that adds realistic, realtime lighting to your sketchup models. Add lights, add windows, and watch your SketchUp scenes glow with gorgeous reflected light, soft shadows, subtle shading. Gone are the flat, boring surfaces of old.


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PhotoModeler 2010 released

Posted on: 01.11.2010  |  By: Miroslav Stoyanov  |  Category: Софтуерни новости  |  Source:

PhotoModeler 2010 and PhotoModeler Scanner 2010 were released Oct. 28th, 2010 and the changes are impressive!

Summary of What's New

- Amazing speed increases with a combination of rewritten algorithms and multi-core support 
- SmartMatch (PM Scanner) for rapid and automated setup of many scenes without coded targets 
- Geographic coordinate system support


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Sketchbook Pro 2011 released

Posted on: 15.10.2010  |  By: Stoyan Stoyanov  |  Category: Софтуерни новости  |  Source:



Autodesk Sketchbook Pro 2011 released for Mac and Windows! 15-day full-feature trial is available for download.

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Indigo Renderer 2.4 Released

Posted on: 24.09.2010  |  By: Stoyan Stoyanov  |  Category: Софтуерни новости  |  Source:



Glare Technologies has recently released the latest stable revision of Indigo Renderer, version 2.4. This update brings many usability refinements and improvements to the rendering engine, and to celebrate its release we're running a 15% off sale until 30 September.

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CopperCube 2 Released

Posted on: 08.09.2010  |  By: Stoyan Stoyanov  |  Category: Софтуерни новости  |  Source:



CopperCube, the editor for creating Flash 3D, WebGL and Windows/Mac OS X 3D applications has just been released in version 2. The new release includes Game AI behaviors, fullscreen mode for Flash, WebGL improvements, layers and folders, undo/redo functionality for the editor, new actions and a lot more.

CopperCube is ideal for creating 3D viewers, educational programs, architectural visualizations, military simulations, product configurators, games, e-learning applications and 3D prototypes.
Download here.

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CINEMA 4D 12 released

Posted on: 05.09.2010  |  By: Stoyan Stoyanov  |  Category: Софтуерни новости  |  Source:


MAXON Announces Immediate Availability of Release 12 of Acclaimed 3D Package CINEMA 4D.

Read more about the Key Highlights of CINEMA 4D Release 12 here.

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Google SketchUp 8 released

Posted on: 02.09.2010  |  By: Stoyan Stoyanov  |  Category: Софтуерни новости  |  Source:

September 1, 2010 - Google SketchUp 8 released with easy access to Google’s huge collection of geographic resources.

What’s New in Google SketchUp 8

Model geo-location with Google Maps

We’ve built Maps right into SketchUp. Adding a geo-location to your model is now an elegant, one-app process.

Color imagery and more accurate terrain

The snapshot you get when you add a geo-location to your model now includes 3D terrain data that’s more accurate, and -- for the first time -- aerial imagery in color.

Match Photo improvements

Our Match Photo feature lets you trace one or more photographs to build a model; it’s an incredibly powerful tool. For SketchUp 8, we’ve tweaked some things to make using Match Photo easier than ever.

SketchUp, meet Building Maker

When it comes to modeling existing buildings, it’s hard to beat Google Building Maker for speed and efficiency. We’ve made it simpler to open and refine Building Maker models in SketchUp.

Read full release note from here:

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Autodesk launches AutoCAD for Mac, iOS

Posted on: 02.09.2010  |  By: Stoyan Stoyanov  |  Category: Софтуерни новости  |  Source:

Autodesk has announced AutoCAD 2011 for Mac. This new version of AutoCAD, software for professional design and engineering that previously ran only on the Windows platform, now runs natively on Mac OS X. Autodesk also announced that the new Mac version of AutoCAD would be accompanied by the AutoCAD WS mobile application, a new app for iPad, iPhone, and the iPod touch that will let users edit and share their AutoCAD designs remotely.


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Zbrush 4.0 чакането приключи !

Posted on: 11.08.2010  |  By: Valentin Yovchev  |  Category: Софтуерни новости  |  Source:



След извесно отлагане и доста дълго чакане Pixologic най-накрая пуснаха своя продукт Zbrush 4.0

Програмата предлага изключително голям брой на нови подобрения които се надяваме да превърнат живота на нас артистите в много по лек и лесен.Понеже няма смисъл да ви изреждаме броя на всички нови добавки в пгограмата ви препоръчваме да хвърлите един поглед ето тук и сами да се насладите на видеотата от артисти и новите функционалности

които лично мен оставиха без думи.

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